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angle joint中文

用"angle joint"造句"angle joint" in a sentence"angle joint"怎麼讀


  • 角材連接
  • 角接接頭
  • 銳角接頭
  • 斜接
  • 隅角接合
  • 隅接


  • Angle joints with screw studs , with rivet studs
  • The machine is mainly used for extruding 45 seam aluminium window of angle joint structure
  • The machine is mainly used for extrusion and connection of 45 seam casement window with angle joint structure
  • ( 3 ) ensemble character of structural planes as follows : in left dam abutment , meta basalt schistosity is main , and the structure is clockwise . low dip angle jointing did n ' t develop in rock mass ; in right dam abutment , rupture and jointing structural plane is main , and the structure is reversed . the structure was of obvious macroscopical slaty character
    ( 3 )通過對上述結構面的分析,得出其總體特征為:左壩肩以變玄武巖片理為主體,呈順向結構,巖體內緩傾角節理極不發育;右壩肩主要為斷裂及節理型結構面,呈反向結構,且具有明顯的宏觀板狀結構特征,并發育有一定厚度的構造軟巖帶。
  • ( 5 ) rock mass stability analysis on dam abutment of xia luo - yu damsite as follows : in left dam abutment , sideslip control structure has been relatively integrate , and low dip angle jointing did n ' t develop , so integrate sliding deformation control structure could n ' t been formed in three - dimensional space and rock mass stability could n ' t been influenced badly ; in right dam abutment , indicate rock mass distortion was caused by the rock mass mechanics condition , such as specific rock mass structure , compression stress concentrate with high strength and especial landform and so on
    ( 5 )對下落魚壩址壩肩巖體穩定問題的分析得出:左壩肩巖體雖然具有相對較完整的側滑控制結構,但由于緩傾角節理不發育,故在三維空間上不能形成完整的滑移變形控制結構,亦不會對壩肩巖體穩定性產生嚴重影響:右壩肩巖體復雜變形,是在特定的巖體結構、高強度的壓應力集中及特殊的地形等不可或缺的巖體力學條件下產生的。
用"angle joint"造句  
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